Building Customer Rapport

Peady’s Selling Engagement


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Building Rapport
How do you build rapport with your clients?

Mike White an American author and film director had this to say about rapport: “You want to work with people who you like and have an easy rapport with”
One the most common areas of concern for many managers is how they can help the sales team to quickly and easily create open relationships via strong rapport building.

So how do you do it?

I believe that effective rapport-building is driven from great questions across three criteria:




  1. Personalised Questions. It’s easy for people to ignore questions like “What’s the weather been like?” or “Got any plans for the weekend?” they could be asked by anyone. If you ask a highly specific question, you’ll show you’re actually interested in the answer (and by association, the prospect).
  2. Unique Questions. Your question should be a little unexpected and by catching the person off-guard, you’ll get a more honest answer and honesty is the start of a relationship.
  3. Appropriate Questions. Even though your question should be surprising, it shouldn’t be surprising in a bad way. Avoid anything that could be seen as nosy or inappropriate.

Here’s eight questions you might like to use in face to face meetings or emails:

–        Congratulations on (company announcement) – how long has that been planned?
–        I was looking at your company’s website when I came across the blog on (subject). Does your company post many of these?

  • What’s the best part about living here in (city/town/area)?
  • Is (city/town/area) a strong market for your (product/service)?

–        I saw that you used to work in (profession/industry). How was the transition to your current role?
–        You seem to have a pretty busy schedule. Do you have any tips on time management?
–        On your LinkedIn profile, you listed (skill/hobby/second language) – does that come in handy?
–        I’m putting together a list of must-read articles on (subject) are there any you can recommend?

No doubt you can develop plenty of your own. All you have to do is to get the other person talking and then listen; but it’s important to remember that the questions you use are personalised, unique and appropriate.

By showing interest in your prospects and getting them to open up, you can deepen even the most transactional relationships. And once you’ve created that trust you’ll see a dramatic change in your ability to move the sales process to conclusion.

6 Bonus Rapport Building Questions:

  • I once visited (city/area) when I was younger and absolutely loved it. Has much changed?
  • You tweeted about going to (event/conference) have you been before? I’m considering attending as well – I’d love to hear your thoughts.
  • I’m thinking of writing a blog similar to yours do you have any tips?
  • I’m buying a book on (subject) and see that’s one of your interests too. Do you have any recommendations?
  • I read on your LinkedIn profile that you spoke at (conference/event) – what was the audience like? or Do you have any future speaking events lined up?
  • I noticed that you’re a massive (sport/team) fan. Are you looking forward to this week’s game?

Until next time good selling!

About the author 

Stephen Pead is a media industry veteran of 30 years with significant experience in direct sales, sales management and general management. He is based in Sydney and specialises in helping SME’s market their businesses more effectively and providing training for salespeople and sales managers.

He can be contacted at [email protected]


