Japanese station signs agreement with British Embassy

Japanese station InterFM signed an agreement with the British Embassy to provide emergency information to British citizens residing in Japan, according to The Asahi Shimbun.

The station provides daily news and information in seven languages, including English and Chinese, to foreign residents in Tokyo and Nagoya.

InterFM was licensed to broadcast on the condition of providing emergency information in foreign languages after the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995.

It has similar agreements with the Tokyo metropolitan government and Yokohama city government.

Joanna Roper, Consular Services Director of the British government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, said the agreement will serve as way to inform British citizens about important information when other communication infrastructure is disrupted during emergencies.

Hiroyuki Nasu, Manager of Programming and Operation at InterFM, told The Asahi Shimbun: “In the event of a disaster, we want to act promptly to help foreign residents in Japan.

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