Is Sales Really About Seeking New Friends?

Peady's Selling Engagement

 I came across this quote: “No-one in business is lonely and bored or seeking a new friend. Nor are they wanting to hear about your stellar products, services or solutions” Tony J Hughes

  • Is your potential customer sweating on your arrival?
  • Do they want to become firm friends with their media rep? (a professional business relationship is different to friendship)
  • Are they eager to learn about your product or your service?

If only!! So why is it many sales people assume they are?

Can you identify with this?

A sales person phones (or emails) a prospect with a breathless opportunity – this week only we have a special offer; or at a face to face meeting the sales person explains how great their company is and why they should be doing business together.

Do you know anyone who does that?

Sales and selling success

The great sales trainers and coaches will tell you there are up 20 rules or factors in creating success for a sales person. In my opinion the top 5 are:

  1. The ability to create trust and confidence
  2. Understanding the customer’s business and meeting his (or her) needs
  3. To believe in yourself, your company and your product or service
  4. The skill to always prepare for all opportunities
  5. Finding ways to have fun!

And then there’s belief

Apart from my 5 factors in creating sales success there’s an overarching issue: dealing with beliefs.

In one of his classic books US advertising and marketing genius Eugene Schwartz said: “If you violate your prospect’s established beliefs in the slightest degree – either in content or direction – then nothing you promise him, no matter how appealing, can save you”

Beliefs are powerfully formed and they are usually entirely immune to any kind of logical correction or challenge. The secret is to find a way to channel the force of their beliefs into an alignment with yours.

Think about your current approach. Will you try something different this coming week? will you try some of the ideas I’ve outlined?

Until next time good selling!

About the author 

Stephen Pead is a media industry veteran of 30 years with significant experience in direct sales, sales management and general management. He is based in Sydney and specialises in helping SME’s market their businesses more effectively and providing training for salespeople and sales managers.

He can be contacted at [email protected]


